About Little Newsham Forge
One of the few true artist blacksmiths working in the North East of England, Brian Russell was awarded the prestigious Silver Medal of The Worshipful Company of Blacksmiths for the excellence of his work in 1995.
He and his son Ivan, occasionally assisted by skilled journeymen, undertake commissions throughout the U.K. from both private and public sectors. They approved contractors for The National Trust.
They are passionate about the hot forging of steel and Brian tries to incorporate as many of the traditional blacksmithing techniques as possible in his designs.
Fire welded and riveted joints, hot punched holes and forged leaves and other organic forms feature strongly.
It is fair to say that he has an international reputation as a skilled craftsman and designer among his peers and has been a guest demonstrator at many blacksmiths` conferences and festivals both in the UK and overseas.
Please take a little time to look through some of the galleries on the site, both images of finished work in situ, and design drawings, the first stage of each project. Some of the designs have not yet been made and are just awaiting the right client!
Brian has visited the USA on a number of occasions giving demonstrations and workshops, you can watch two small video trailers Video 1 and Video 2.